" Google " plans to launch the first mobile " Ara " in January next year

A company " Google " Tuesday new details about her project with a removable plug for change, " Ara Project " Project Ara, in the framework of the first conference of the series of conferences held by the company to define its ambitious .

The conference aims private developers , which comes just days after the launch of the first development kit for the project , to give them a fuller understanding of how to take advantage of the platform , and the development of interchangeable pieces their own .

He said, " Paul Eremenko " project -based " Ara " There are other conferences will be held in July and September / September arrivals in preparation for the launch of the first phone " Ara " early next year , specifically in January 2015 .

As the system "Android " of the company " Google " as it now stands does not support working with these types of smart devices , said Eremenko The company will issue an update for the system in December / December this year , which is the update that will make the system supports triggers Drivers - such as computers Profile traditional - necessary for the work of the various components .

Eremenko said that the first phone released to developers would be " Phone in Gray ," at a cost of $ 50 , however he did not disclose the details of the final retail price , Eremenko added that the phone is expected to be designed to make the user in a way that wants to get it out .

And intends to " Google " providing " Created Ara " Ara Configurator is a tool that will enable users to create the appearance that they wish for their phones , such as import an image to the output of this tool and phone -style image in terms of color and so on.

He says Eremenko One of the advantages of the platform , " Ara " is an extension of the time needed by users to switch their phone , and what the user - with " Ara " - able to switch individual components , such as the processor or the camera , would be devices " Ara " longer life cycle .

Unlike the typical smart phone that you need to replace at least once every two years , Eremenko says that " Google " expects that lasts devices " Ara " until 5 or 6 years .

The group " projects and advanced technology " ATAP is responsible for the development of the project " Ara " , the group retained by the company under administration after it decided to sell the company phone industry , " Motorola Mobility " , which embraced the project last year , to " Lenovo " versus 2.91 billion U.S. Dollar .


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