Apple requesting a retrial for Samsung and more compensation

Apple asked for a re-trial against rival Samsung in an attempt to get more compensation in addition to get a resolution to ban sales of some recent devices in the U.S. market .

The U.S. court had ruled earlier this month fined Samsung Bmlbg 119.6 million dollars in compensation for the damage suffered by the company Apple after proven violation of the first of three patents dating back to the final , and in the context of a protracted court battle accusing each other party of violating patents its own .

Seeks Apple - which asked during the previous trial compensation valued at 2.2 billion dollars - through trial new partial , to get $ 3.2 billion in addition to $ 6.4 million in interest , as requested by the company the amount of $ 11,040 for each day of delay in which Samsung pay as required by the court .

Apple said the request for the return of the court that Samsung's internal documents showed copies of a deliberate strategy to hundreds of mobile software features for iPhone , including the patent advantage "drag to unlock " feature and " automatic correction " and the feature " Quick Links ."

It is Samsung products that violate the patents of the three that made ​​Apple's request to ban in the United States , all of the " Galaxy Nexus " and " Galaxy Note " and " Galaxy Note 2" and " Galaxy S 2" and " Galaxy S 2 Epic Four G Touch " and " Galaxy S 2 Skaarocc " and " Galaxy S 3 " and a number of other devices.

This contrasts with the new Apple asked what was rumored a few days ago about the existence of ongoing talks between them and the Samsung on the settlement of disputes filed against each other, along the lines of a settlement reached by Apple and Google a few days ago.


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