Ophthalmologist reveals the truth about the health risks of glasses Google

Deployment of Eli Bailey , an ophthalmologist at Harvard University and the medical consultant with Google , the results of research conducted on the health risks of smart glasses provided by Google , Google Glass, when used on humans .

Bailey explained , through his account on the social network Google Plus , that after years of conducting medical tests on Google's smart glasses did not find any evidence of any health risks may affect the result of human use.

The medical adviser at Google that very few of the thousands of people who have used the glasses Smart felt the presence of a headache or upset in vision or pain in the eye.

Bailey pointed out that the headache or pain that have been registered users during the search were usually end irreversibly after a day or two of use, and after that the user gets used to the glasses .

And see an eye doctor that the phenomenon of headache or pain in the eye when wearing glasses for the first time Google -like symptoms felt by the man when you wear a new pair of eyeglasses , a temporary symptoms expire after a period of use .

He advised Bailey that is used glasses Google according to the limits , like any electronic device , such as TVs and smartphones , adding that the glasses are made as well as in accordance with the principle of " interactions infinitesimal " to reduce the reaction time bifocals and the user's eye , unlike other operations such as reading books that need reaction time great between the eye and the book.

The news report had earlier hinted at the possibility of a risk of eye glasses on Google users, and pointed out that , after a number of complaints reported by users of the glasses who feel the presence of a severe headache after a period of wearing them.

It should be noted that Google had begun to put her glasses smart , priced at $ 1,500 , is limited to users in the United States only , where the glasses are still subject to a pilot program before the official launch during the next few days .


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