Report : Lower global demand for tablets , especially the iPad

A new report issued by the company , NPD DisplaySearch, shipments of tablets that fell through last year by 5 percent , and highlighted a decline in shipments of tablet computers more popular , an IPad from Apple .

According to the research firm , this is the first time that the witness where the demand for this category of portable devices decline , fell global shipments to 56.3 million units during the first quarter of this year compared to 59 million units were shipped during the same period last year .

He attributed Richard Shim of the company , " said Bede " the reason behind the decline in shipments of tablets to the consumer trend towards smartphones , which owns large screens .

Shim and expected continued decline in shipments of these devices are giving way to the growth of the smartphone market , which has big screens and close in terms of the size of the tablets .

Shim said in his publication " is expected to be replaced with high-volume smartphones with computers tablet is a common pattern in the coming years , giving way to what the direction was limited to China ." "With the increasing impact of the emergence of large-sized smartphones in the United States , it is expected to be reduced shipments of small-sized tablet computers ."

The report pointed out that Apple , which leads the market with a series of computers tablet computers IPad , suffered a decline in shipments during the last quarter and by 16.1 percent , while Samsung accounted for 11 percent of the market with the growth in shipments by 2 percent .

Shim pointed out that Google may suffer from a decline in shipments because they are preparing to launch Computers Tablets Bkiesa 7 and 8.9 -inch later this year .


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