Google has doubled the RAM to smart glasses

Google announced via the Google Plus that new units of smart glasses Google Glass, will own random access memory with a capacity of 2 GB, which is twice the memory that was previously put the glasses, where she was only 1 GB. 

According to private sources for the site The Verge, Google is also increased battery capacity for the glasses, and according to the information, the glasses will have now is an increase in battery life of 20% compared to last year, and it depends on increasing capacity in addition to improvements in the environment code, reduce energy consumption . 

Owners will not be able older version of Google glasses according Explorer program replacing the old version to have a new model, which has the RAM doubling. 

As Google added a new feature that allows users to magnifying the possibility of opening the camera via voice commands once you say "ok glass, show the viewfinder", then it can be photography, either by pressing the camera button or through the words of the phrase "ok glass, take a picture" with a wink eye. 

The Google has put her glasses for the first time outside the United States yesterday, so that residents can become the UK to obtain a copy of bifocals issuing Explorer versus £ 1000.


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