"Samsung" out of the market for plasma screens

Announced, "Samsung" it would stop production of flat-screen TVs, plasma, and so by the thirtieth of November next. 

The reason behind this move, according to the company, to the decline in demand in this market, and instead intends to "Samsung" focus on the production of TVs curved screens and high-definition screens UHD. 

The other companies had preceded the "Samsung" in it, which pulled out in recent years, companies, such as "Panasonic" and "Sony" and "Hitachi", and others, from this sector, as there are reports indicating the intention of the company "LG "to follow suit soon. 

And features plasma screens, which are used ionized gases and electrically charged, Plumaanha and contrast in colors, in addition to higher frame rates, so they are ideal for watching movies and sports. 

But in return, these screens tend to consume more energy, as it comes to the size and width of a much larger screens, such as common now, screens "liquid crystal" LCD, screens and "LED". 

Observers believe that the withdrawal of the "Samsung" of the market for plasma screens also due to that the future is for screens High Definition UHD, while it is difficult to reach this accuracy with plasma screens, with the latter is much better compared to the flat-screen LCD and LED in terms of image quality, The contrast ratio, and dealing with the movement, as well as a few disadvantages.


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