Baidu Chinieh reveal a pair of smart glasses of competition Google
Revealed the Chinese search engine Baidu compete for glasses for glasses, "Google", but his device, which is placed on the head advantage that is capable of scanning objects and identify them, and it comes without a screen to maximize battery life.
Still bifocals, which launched the company name BaiduEye, under development, and has said on Wednesday introduced several models during the annual conference of the technique.
Unlike glasses "Google" smart, rely glasses "Baidu Aye" on the headset connected to the left side of them, instead of the screen, in order to provide the user with information, as the company has supplied the glasses with a camera connected to the other side and function of image capture and identify the objects that lie within the field of vision.
With the glasses, "Baidu Aye", users will be able to obtain information concerning the objects that they want to wipe. For example, the user can know the name of a vendor wishing to price a product, use the glasses to scan the product and then hear the details related to it, it can also display information on the screen of a smart phone connected to it.
And hopes "Baidu" to be able to provide users with useful hands-free alternative to search for information. Although she did not reveal the details of the price and launch date of the new glasses, company is currently working with several hardware vendors to market the product.
The chief executive said the company "Baidu," Robin Li said Wednesday that he expects to exceed the existing research on sound and image searches based on the text in the next five years. He added that Chinese users are already currently searching based on sound 500 times a day.
And glasses designed to meet the needs of the sectors of education and shopping. For example, she said, "Baidu" It can wear bifocals workers stores and use them to get to know the customers and obtain information on previous purchases they have made.
The company used "Baidu", which owns the largest search engine in China, technical analyzes of their own data to provide device information. In addition to the "Baidu Aye", the company is also preparing other products, including smart food sticks.
In spite of that the product is still under development, can be used chopsticks smart to check the quality of food and water, where the supply of sticks fed by a battery, sensors able to inform the user as to whether the water acidic or whether it was cooking the meat with oil recycled.
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