Inhabitat Green Week: Hydroelectric HOME, and the hamster wheel human-powered saltwater car

Cover with salt water most of the surface of the Earth, making it one of the most abundant resources and under-value on this planet. Take advantage of this resource and put Nanoflowcell first electric car powered by salt water in the world! For known As e Sportlimousine, can accelerate from 0-62 mph in 2.8 seconds awesome, and it was approved only for testing in Europe. In other news, green transport, designer Dominic Wilcox has just unveiled a self-driving car with a bed inside - so you can catch up on sleep while I work! The real kicker? It is made of exquisite stained glass panels.

At the same time, the company is based in Arizona, Local-Motors built the first 3D printed worldwide in the international trade fair for manufacturing technology in Chicago car. Monitors the car consists of about 40 elements (far less than the thousands of parts that go into a typical car), and printed and assembled in 44 hours. If you've always wanted to stay with the fastest human in history, those who created the DARPA Jetpack that can help you run a mile in four minutes. Those Jetpack contains a small turbines that drive the user to the front, and its purpose is to help soldiers who are burdened with a lot of equipment and speed, but is expected to move quickly on long distances.

Many homes these days are powered by solar panels, but some ocean power. Margot Krasojevic engineer has unveiled designs for future hydroelectric house as spiny sea urchin. With the tides of the house that run on the system that uses electromagnetic turbine neodymium magnets and coils of copper wire to induce an electric current when the waves push and pull against extrusions. In other news for clean energy Wildpoldsried, a Bavarian village of about 2,600 people and produces 500% more energy than it needs from renewable sources. A small town makes a profit by selling excess electricity to the grid. Start technology based in New York, and the Volta group just installed the first charging station in public Ingo, which supplies mobile devices with the combo clean from kinetic tiles and solar panels to power St. Louis. And speaking of solar panels, we published just fun DIY how to make your own solar generator! The rise of wind energy is one of the greatest achievements of clean technology in recent years, but fans and preservation of the environment of the animals concerned that the turbine is the main contributor to mortality in birds . Large study with support from the Wildlife Institute of American Wind shed light on the situation - in the form of wind turbines 214 000 to 368 000 deaths each year, the birds, while the collision of radio and cell tower kills 6.8 million cats kill up to $ 3.7 billion.

Buildings account for about 40 percent of energy consumption in the United States, but new green building techniques seek to make a dent in it. A super-efficient negative HOME Wisconsin able to stay warm using less energy than normal hairdryer - and this is particularly important in a part of the country where there may be as cold as 30 degrees below zero in winter. Another way to reduce energy consumption is to build only smaller.

A team of Chinese students recently revealed the 43-square-foot home that fits your bed and kitchen, bathroom and storage space. The house will be made of prefabricated materials and providing affordable for students experiencing financial hardship housing, and migrant workers, the homeless or mass produced. To achieve maximum relax while spending time outdoors, nothing beats a tree tent. A husband and wife team based in the UK recently revealed a set of colorful tents tree that looks like a cross between a hammock tent tipi and the home of a small tree.

In the world of interior design, 3D printing has begun to make their mark: The German company LimeMakers has unveiled a new line of 3D-printed design festival in London this year products, including a bowl fruit, lamps and vases and geometric. UK furniture designer Paul Kelly revealed magnetic modular furniture just cubes covered with copper can be re-assembled in dozens of configurations. If you think your office is a rat race, we have a perfect office for you: a giant human hamster wheel!



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