The future of tablet devices and other smart

Perhaps we thought that our devices Smart has evolved beyond the border , computers , telephone and TV Vakadm not seen yet and perhaps this technology future that we offer are present but not companies use widely and some of them do not use them never are still pouring attention on technology scanner screen or technical which was followed by a move the fingers in front of the screen and the screen action but the latter need to surface to work for the application and thus keep these devices are large and take a bigger place in pockets such as mobile phones when you carry a smart phone like you took with you TV, as if we are back to the past when everything was a very big change next is to minimize everything to the maximum extent possible, these devices future is very technical process future , for example in smart phones and other devices is a very small compared with what is a pen-shaped small and new vision in the next display light is expressed by the pen small and we get illuminated screen operates in a vacuum and control the screen . The major manufacturers of touch - tablet devices will receive a slap did not reckon will come and use technical and patent win .

How future technical work technically theoretical and practical
When the spread of light in a vacuum and that we identify in the display raises a question about the use of this device and the diffuse light in a vacuum technique somewhat simple in its concept applied scientific theoretical but is currently difficult and remain future . So the way is when it penetrates the finger display or untouched interrupt light in a vacuum to be the main unit in the device are aware of what aired in the display and conversion occurs any functioning optical screen . This is a complex technical and future as we explain their work is too complex for the average reader We offer you a glimpse of the future..


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