IPhone 5s new data includes a faster processor in the world

Produced by a British company .. It was supposed to be used in smart phones by 2015
Show that Britain is the product of the part most of the new generation of phones, " iPhone " put forward by the company "Apple " of America , the fastest data processor in the world is used in smart phones, in what was supposed to be included in the smart phone industry by the year 2015 , but that the company " Apple " used two years earlier.
And promises to rely on new British refreshed product will attest, the industrial sector in the United Kingdom if managed company "Apple" the U.S. to achieve significant sales of the new organs .
She said the newspaper " Financial Times " that the British company (Arm) which is based in the city of Cambridge -based and specialized in the production and design of computer chips is "one of the biggest beneficiaries of the phones iPhone new ," noting that the projections indicate a rise in revenues this British company through this year, thanks to a new phone .
The phone " iPhone Fife as the" new first smart phone in the world is the use of data processor of the type (64 bit), a therapist who makes " iPhone " new fastest among all smartphones in the world, but the company (Arm) British is that produces these processors and supplied by the company " Apple" , which is the most important piece in the new phone .
And obsessed " Fife iPhone as " the highest standards of smartphones in the world today, as it did in the same time represents the most expensive among the family of smart phones as well.
And an economic analyst commented on the production company (Arm) British data processors new phone by saying , " It 's a great coup for the company ."
The analyst Lee Simpson , told the newspaper " Financial Times" said: " There was a consensus that the processor type (64 bit) will not enter the world of smart phones by the year 2015 , but the surprise is that it is used in the year 2013 ."
Company to enter the " toss" the world of manufacturing fast processors , it enters as a strong contender for the company " Intel " American .
The " Financial Times " that the company " Samsung " Korea is one of the customers of the company " toss" the British chip industry , but Samsung has not yet used processors very speed of the model (64 bit) in the manufacture of any of the phones .
And acquires the smart phone industry companies to 70 % of company revenues , " toss " the British led to increased optimism towards the company, where its shares rose in London by more than 4.5 % after the announcement of the company " Apple " the U.S. launch her ​​new " iPhone 5S " .
The "Apple" launched last week a new generation of smartphone , but it raised - for the first time - two models of the new phone , the first low price and name (Iphone 5C), and the second is the phone for the world's newest and most expensive of all the peers of smart phones and named ( Iphone 5S).

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