Company reveals the ring to control devices via smart gesture in the air

Unveiled Logbar for intelligent ring, called it "Ring" Ring, the wearer can control the smart devices around
through gestures with his finger issued.

The company obtained the necessary material support to launch commercially smart ring after a campaign launched by the site "Kick Starter" online specialist in supporting start-ups, by collecting 250 thousand U.S. dollars.

The Japanese, Takuro Yoshidaa, founder Logbar, that ring smartphone will be able to connect to devices such as home appliances, computers and smart phones, to allow the wearer to control those devices.

He stressed that the ring Yoshidaa smart, Ring, has the ability to translate the orders issued by the wearer through gesture in the air, no letters left those commands by default move the finger, and then transmitted by the ring of smart devices connected to them to implement it.

He added that the Japanese developer has the advantages of smart ring additional non-controlling smart devices such as writing letters, and confirmation of electronic payment, and get alerts via a small built-in LED lamp or through vibrations caused by the device.

It will allow the company the possibility of buying pre-ring smartphone through its official website,, immediately after the start of commercial production;, a ring that is available for supporters currently a fee starts at $ 145 USD, will also launch the company store special ring called Ring Store to provide applications that facilitate communication between ring and smart devices.

The company confirmed that it will provide Logbar API open source developers to easily launch applications, working with smart ring, to provide those applications for users of the ring through her own boutique.

For his part, Yoshidaa revealed that his company will begin shipping in the smartphone ring, Ring, who had supported device via the "Kick Starter" in June, on the device to be launched commercially in July of this year.

The ring is currently supporting intelligent gesture commands via written in English, Japanese developer did not say whether the device will support other languages ​​in order to write or not.

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