Apple preparing to solve the problems of the fingerprint reader in the phone " iPhone 5 S "

Equipped with the "Apple " updated software for smartphone operating system is designed to solve the
problems faced by the users of the phone " iPhone 5 S " with fingerprint reader in the device.

A source in the "Apple" that the company is aware of the existence of problems in the low accuracy in fingerprint reading phone " iPhone 5 S " , and it is determined that the cause of those problems in the operating system , so it is seeking to resolve those problems updating software .

The source added that the company has worked with a team AuthenTec 's her , a team developer of software to identify footprint in the " iPhone 5 S. ," to find a solution to the problems reported by users of the phone in the recent period , according to the statements , most notably site Apple Insider.

The "Apple" has received complaints from several users to phone " iPhone 5 S " on the decline in the accuracy of the fingerprint reader located right " Home " , and his inability to recognize the user's fingerprint from the first time in normal circumstances .

And intends to "Apple" put the update script with the new official version of the 7.1 version of the operating system iOS, which is the version that did not reveal the company after the official date for the launch , where currently available in several experimental phases for developers.

According to some previous reports to the possibility of detecting the official version 7.1 of the operating system devices , " Apple" smart in the middle of this month , but those reports are conflicting with other reports suggest the possibility of launching version with the company's global conference for developers in June.

The version of iOS 7.1 will bring a solution to several problems for users of devices "Apple" smart both phones " iPhone " or computers " iPad " tablet , which appeared after the update to the system iOS 7 has not been resolved in ÇŐĎÇŃÇĘĺ subsidiary , is the most prominent of those problems is the problem of sudden stop applications in addition to the problem of slow with some " Abyad ."

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