Satellites broadcast content online for free to all inhabitants of the earth in 2015

Seeks U.S. organization , a non-profit , to build a project that aims to provide the residents of all regions of
the world , even remote ones , the possibility of free access to Internet content , using satellites.

The organization launched the " investment fund for the development of the media " MDIF, which is based in New York-based , the name " Aotrnt " Outernet, which put the project on his schedule to launch a pilot with the middle of next year .

The project is based on the formation of a network of hundreds of small satellites that are launched in low-Earth orbit , a satellite receiver , which will process data from several hundreds of ground stations and deployed around the world.

The organization explained that the plans are currently subject to the network, " Aotrnt " ensure access content that will be broadcast from ground stations via satellite to anyone who owns a device that supports access to the Internet, such as computers and smart mobile devices .

And revealed a non-profit organization it will be broadcast at the beginning of all demo content from the Internet to people who are unable to access to the World Wide Web, to be broadcast in one direction from the satellite to the user , but that the organization aims to provide broadcast in two directions between the user and the satellite and vice stage future of the project.

And will include Internet content , stainless to browse through the network, " Aotrnt ," News of platforms different media , and information from Web sites such as " Wikipedia " , and applications such as Maps application open source OpenStreetMap, in addition to music, games and movies , along with educational courses free of charge.

The aim of the organization " investment fund for the development of the media " to use its network of satellites for purposes other service , such as sending signals of emergency in case of damage or interruption of traditional telecommunication networks in the region a disaster ; will cost the network a multi-billion organization seeks to provide , through the publication of the goal of the project , by donations .

The organization said , via the official website of the project, that provide Internet content without the means of government censorship traditional for about four million new users, will help in building the future , and so by the knowledge that will have them these users across see how much information that Evtkaddoh currently .

The organization estimated the proportion of the population who do not enjoy the ability to connect to the Internet with more than 60 % of the total world population , and listed the reasons for the lack of that capability , including higher prices for Internet services in some countries in addition to the imposition of government restrictions .

The project schedule will begin with the middle of this year , specifically in June 2014 , with the development and testing of experimental model for satellites , with the start of the test broadcast mode in an environment similar to the environment that will be where the satellite in September , and then will continue to work on the project over the next year for up to the launch and test broadcasts in June 2015 .

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