" Samsung " plans to unveil 64-bit processors this year

Operating company " Samsung " on the development of processors for smartphones and tablet computers
are built , 64- bit , to be a model for the detection of these processors during the current year .

The " Samsung " has revealed therapists new series of processors " Xzions 5" Exynos 5, two processor eight core Exynos 5 Octa 5422, and the processor hexa -core Exynos 5 Hexa 5260, but both therapists working according to Technology 32-bit , to violate it, " Samsung " many of the leaks that predicted exposed for 64-bit processor technology during the conference of Universal Mobile MWC 2014 , which ended last Thursday .

It is very likely that reveal " Samsung " This year for the first production of the processor , 64- bit , as pointed out , " Hong Kayushk ," vice president of marketing at the " Samsung " , in an interview with Cnet site technical .

The " Hong " on the critical importance of 64-bit processors , and the increasing demand for them , and pointed out that " Samsung " working hard on the development of the first production of the processor , 64- bit .

Do not look " Samsung " concerned to ask other companies such as " Qualcomm " and " Madt " and " Intel " processors , 64- bit , a technique used by the "Apple" Wizard her famous " iPhone 5 S " , where it will be processor " Samsung " next ready in time , which will support the " Google " 64-bit technology in the system "Android " , as " Hong " .

It is noteworthy that several companies unveiled during MWC 2014 for processors , 64- bit , such as " Qualcomm " through processors " Snapdragon 610 " and " Snapdragon 615 " and " Snapdragon 410 " , and " Madt " through the processor MT6732, and " Intel " put to two versions of the processors " Atum " 64-bit technology .

It is noteworthy that 64-bit processors can handle memory addresses consisting of numbers of style 64-bit , which means that the processor can perform calculations in large numbers , compared with the 32-bit processor , which means it can handle more than 4 GB of RAM , which improves his ability to run more than the number of tasks at one time and at higher speeds .

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