Leaking benefit the new Bluetooth features in Android 4.4

With the approach of the disclosure of the Android version 4.4 ( Kit Kat ) , rumors begin to emerge here and there , and getting reports and leaks that talk about the new version , and the last of these reports talking about some of the features that can be seen in the next Android version .
According to The site Myce in his report; and who could get a special register a copy of Android 4.4 , the new update will bring many developments for Bluetooth and mechanism of action , where they were watching some terminology and names special features may be provided in a Kit Kat , such as Bluetooth Password Vault and in another , a summary BPV .
As it seems the BPV is a service that private security mechanism linking devices wearable such as watches smart with phones and computers tablet running Android, where the service allows protection method help secure link at smart mobile phone , especially after the rumors of the moment Google launched hour smart conjunction detection with Android 4.4 .
In addition , the report pointed to the so-called NearbyBeaconReceiver, which is believed to service that helps to develop the mechanism for payment by phone; which resemble service iBeacon own operating system iOS 7, enabling you to purchase from the retailer using your account, and therefore may be to serve Google Wallet relationship relevant in this regard.
This information is commensurate with the leaks that we saw a few days ago , which showed that new options exist in the list of settings , including the option of Payments Special Order , and that seems to be linked with NearbyBeaconReceiver of one form or another .
This showed some information about the details of the sensor sensitivity NEO Proximity awareness may play a role in coupling devices with each other , as well as some references to the BLE or Bluetooth low energy.
In any case , the date of disclosure of the new version of Android does not seem very far away , and often it will be this month, and only then will we know the fact that these leaks and formal features .

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