Samsung plans to produce the first phones equipped with a flexible screen measuring 4.7 inches

Samsung says production of the first smartphone equipped with a flexible screen under the name independently, and not as a private copy of Phone Galaxy Knott 3 as some news reports claimed .
She informed sources within the South Korean company that the first smart phone provider is flexible screen will be launched soon, and will be screen accurately HD .
The sources pointed out , in remarks notably "androidsas" mail, the phone screen will be a 4.7 - inch with a resolution of 720 x 1280 pixels.
And intends to " Samsung " phone support quad-core processor with random access memory capacity of 2 GB, Rear Camera 8 megapixel .
The sources pointed out that the " Samsung " will add a new phone to a series smartphone " Galaxy " , will be issued in series with the last name , and your phone will provide the operating system "Android" and specifically version 4.3 .
The sources did not specify a date revealed the South Korean company from the phone , but an earlier report to the agency, " Yonhap " news has shown that Korean phone will be unveiled in Korea during the month of October.
It is worth mentioning that the " Samsung " is not the only phone industry company whose name associated with making smart phones with flexible display , where he intends to " LG " Detection of a flexible screen phone before the end of the current year 2013 .

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