Put the iPad " Mini 2 " screen may be delayed due to retina

Sources in Apple 's supply chain for the U.S. that the company may not be able to put the second generation of its iPad tablet computer "Mini" screen " retina " next month, as expected because of difficulties in the supply of screen " retina " high-definition , a screen that is not available the first generation of iPad " Mini " .

The sources said that the supply chain of Babylon is making efforts to provide "screen retina " for iPad "Mini" which could mean that the device may pose only limited quantities this year that put originally , may lose the company thus an opportunity put in the holiday season and shopping the end of this year.

But according to the same sources, Apple is planning , however, to reveal the iPad "Mini" screen " retina " this month , noting that the difficulties of supply due to unknown reasons, but some may be related to the requirements of high imposed by Apple's suppliers , including respect to consumption of the display of energy, according to a sources.

Apple is committed to improving the battery life of the new devices , or at least make it similar to previous devices , if they would put screen " retina " in high - definition iPad "Mini" new , they will not sacrifice long battery life to do so .

It was not clear after the features and specifications that will be included in the iPad "Mini" new , in addition to higher -resolution screen and the camera device is expected to be thinner and lighter than its predecessor.

IPad will be available " Mini - retina of " large quantities next year , but the sources did not reveal whether Apple would delay putting this device entirely until 2014 or they will provide limited quantities of it before the end of this year .

The sources said that Apple put pressure on suppliers to reduce costs, this may result in a form iPad "Mini" storage capacity of eight gigabytes , and filed then being a computer class world, is likely to Amthal computer Kindle Fire Amazon and other computers Android tablet cheap cost in currently the market.

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