The company NTT DoCoMo unveils glasses can translate texts

The company NTT DoCoMo Japanese working the field of mobile operating unveil smart glasses can translate menus.
The company said the smart glasses that can be worn to present a picture of the text through a translator Character Recognition is familiar to the consumer.
It also allows the glasses to those worn by the new vision and modify the default images
The Japanese company unveiled this modern technology in the exhibition " St 2013 " , dedicated to display electronic products to consumers in Japan.
The company added that these smart glasses could be of great interest to tourists.
The company said : " technology enables users Character Recognition traveling abroad of interpretation, and read menus in restaurants, and some other documents ."
Translated texts
These glasses can , which is still in the research and development stage , may offer translated texts in the native language of the user, according to the company.
You may display panel for these smart glasses worn by the person in the head to translate languages ​​Japanese, English, Chinese , and Korean .
The company said that this technique can also be turned straight to the surfaces of what looks like a touch screen .
The person can modify virtual images that appear in the field of view using ring linking rooftops hand movements and the empty glasses.
The company says that the glasses are also used to identify the program faces , and to view the personal data to those who appear in the field of vision . These data and call servers remotely operated using a smart phone .
Wearable technology
The adviser Jonathan GAO said technical company " IDC " The modern techniques that are used in things that can be worn enjoyed " tremendous potential , but faces many obstacles ."
He added that small applications such as translation menus while traveling not only encourage the purchase of such smart glasses , but with the presence of a large ecosystem of other applications may encourage buying .
He said that the smart glasses facing urgent problems related to size , weight, and battery life are used.
In the consumer world , also appear stylish concerns and social acceptance , the GAO says .
And operates some of the major technology companies to develop such new technologies that can be worn .
For example, Google is working on the development of famous glasses can be worn in the head in the context of what it calls the Google Glasses project .
Developers now combines a number of applications that can be used in the project Google glasses .

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