"Apple" and " Samsung " plan to sit together to resolve patent issues

Approved companies " Samsung " and " Apple" to meet again in a session mediated held on or before the 19th of the month of February next year, as a prelude to judicial proceedings to be conducted by the two
companies during the month of March / March next year on patents for smartphones , according to agency "Reuters" today.

The agency quoted the deposit Court issued Wednesday, the CEOs of the two companies , " Tim Cook " to the "Apple" and " Ohaon universe " with " Samsung " will attend the meeting , accompanied by a team of private lawyers with them all , as it comes after this that he met the two teams Aleghanonyan 6 January in order to discuss the current opportunities settlement .

The news comes after a report by the newspaper " The Korea Times " (Korea Times), that the two " Samsung " and " Apple" are trying to once again meet together to reach agreement on the terms of patent disputes .

The newspaper quoted the report which was published on 29 December / December last year an official at the Korea Fair Trade Commission that despite two years of court battles between the two companies , it seems that the breakthrough is near , as described, where it began the South Korean company " Samsung " with its American counterpart "Apple" discuss the possibility of putting an end to all litigation .

And want " Samsung ," according to the Korean newspaper , to enter a deal to exchange licenses with "Apple" , and so you will get both the two companies on intellectual property Ihtajmanha for a specific price . But in return , ask the "Apple " of the " Samsung " fees in the amount of U.S. $ 30 per device in violation of the recent patent rights .

It should be noted that the "Apple" would have made the beginning of December / December last year , request a court for more than 22 million dollars from the " Samsung " , and that compensation to spent by the company on a case brought against the " Samsung " and accuses them of violating patents for two " iPhone " and " iPad " .

Have also been a few days before it fined " Samsung " at about 290 million dollars of new in favor of the "Apple " , bringing the size of the fines signatory to the Korean company in the United States to nearly 930 million dollars, as well as attended a number of organs from sale in America .

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