" Lenovo " intends to expand its investment in the market for computers " Chrome Book "

Company Plans " Lenovo " to increase its investment in the market for computers " Chrome Book " , during the next few months , depending on what the company unveiled during the Consumer Electronics Show
"CES 2014", which is taking place in the city of " Las Vegas " of America .

And intends to " Lenovo " put forward several models of computers " Chrome Book " prices and different specifications , the next summer , as pointed out , " Jay Parker ," chief operating officer " Lenovo " .

It is noteworthy that " Lenovo " previously entered the market in computers " Chrome Book " put to Hawwaspa geared for students and practitioners in the field of education , and plans " Lenovo " to introduce new models of these computers targeted at different groups of users.

The " Parker " on his firm belief in the market that the computers " Chrome Book " will grow rapidly during the current year .

The " Lenovo " largest manufacturer of personal computers in the world, according to the previous reports for my company research , " Gartner " and "IDC", as the company has ambitions to occupy the first position in the smartphone market .

And called the name " Chrome Book " on computers that are running " Chrome OS ", which is an operating system depends on the browser " Google Chrome " and is based on the idea of ​​using web applications cloud instead of traditional desktop applications , and needs to be a permanent connection to the Internet to perform most tasks .

Several companies producing computers " Chrome Book " , such as : " Samsung " and " left " and " Lenovo " and " HP " and " Asus " and " del " and " Toshiba " .


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