Google plans to unveil its second-generation " Nexus 10 " exhibition at CES 2014

Company intends to " Google " to reveal the second generation of computer " Nexus 10 " tablet during CES 2014 Technical Exhibition to be constructed in the period between the seventh and the tenth of the month of January.

The report , highlighted by the news site DigiTimes , that " Google " is preparing to reveal a new tablet computer in collaboration with the " Samsung " in the technical exhibition , which took over the South Korean company manufacturing the new version of " Nexus 10 " .

It is expected to provide the " Samsung " second-generation tablet computer screen measuring 10.1 inches of type AMOLED, to be supported by " Google " operating system "Android 4.4" , known simply as " Kit Kat " .

It is expected to get a new tablet computer processor Exynos 5 eight -core processor being developed by " Samsung " , in addition to the random access memory capacity of 3 GB .

It is noteworthy that the new computer will not be the only device that will reveal him " Samsung " in the event of technical terms is expected to reveal new Tablet PCs , along with the new generation of processors Exynos hers .

It is noteworthy that the first generation of computer " Nexus 10 " had been revealed by the " Google " in 2012 , which is the computer that took over the manufactured " Samsung " and provided screen HD resolution and a dual core processor and RAM 2 GB , and is available in the market with prices starting at 399 U.S. Dollar .

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