" LG " unveils Soarha mail " Live Band Touch "

A company " LG " today unveiled bracelet letter called it " Live Band Touch " (Lifeband Touch), and this bracelet company enters market fitness devices wearable , where it is believed that this move is the latest by " LG " in its quest to compete with similar devices such as " Neix fuel Band " (Nike's FuelBand).

The bracelet " Live Band Touch " for wearing around the wrist , which keeps track of the number of physical activities , such as the number of steps , and distance traveled, as well as calorie consumption .

The electronic device can be linked with the new smart devices operating by Regular operating "Android " and " IOS " using technology " Bluetooth 4.0" , and can be used to answer incoming calls and play music or control .

The " LG " did not disclose the price or release date , " Live Band Touch " new , but will be submitting it within their participation in the activities of the Consumer Electronics Show , "CNN EES 2014" (CES 2014) , which begins on Tuesday in the city of Las Vegas, U.S. .

It should be noted that the company had reviewed bracelet electronically bore the name " Smart Aktavia Tracker " (Smart Activity Tracker), as one of the devices " wearable " of their own, and that through the activities of the Consumer Electronics Show , "CNN EES 2013" (CES 2013), but not been presented to now , where the goal of the bracelet is that enable users to measure their physical activity , and to identify the location, and connectivity with smartphone .

This works company , " LG " , according to a report published on the newspaper " Korea Herald " (The Korea Herald) Korean , on the development of an hour smart and bracelet letter , to be put up next to the smartphone " LG 3" (G3 ) , to be launched during the current year .

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