" Intel " is working to launch devices Regular "Windows " and " Android" together

Operating company " Intel " with some manufacturers for PCs on the production of laptops is working with both operating systems , "Android " and " Windows " , to be announced during the exhibition "CES 2014", to be held in the city, " Las Vegas " America this month .

And make " Intel " These efforts to support the industry, personal computers , and made ​​famous in the development of its processors , having seen these devices decrease in the percentage of sales in favor of tablet computers .

And bearing technology , " Intel " name "Dual OS", and the technology allows applications run "Windows " and " Android" side by side, without the need to reboot the machine , according to the informed sources pointed to the site "The Verge".

On the other hand , you may not like this idea companies like " Google " and " Microsoft " , and two of Ataatoajaddan in the list of companies that coordinate " Intel " with her in her new project , according to the report .

Commenting on the above , he pointed out , " Patrick Moorhead ," analyst "Moor Insights and Strategy" to " Microsoft " will not accept the success of this idea , because it might hurt Brouage applications, "Windows" in the event of managed user applications run "Android " on the same machine .

This prompted " Moorhead " to expect a " Microsoft " attempts to convince the manufacturers of computers, phones to stay away from this idea , may resort " Microsoft " to put pressure on those companies and that reneging on some of the rebates offered by these companies to meet to obtain licenses "windows " for organs.

This is not the idea of new , it launched the " Samsung " previously Hasabha hybrid "Ativ Q", which can run applications, "Android " by default , through the application inside the "Windows" , as glimpsed " Asus " intention to detect computer tablet hybrid dual quitting , during "CES 2014".

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