Leaks : "Apple" plans to launch " iPhone 6 " in two sizes for different reader and iris of the eye

She noted recent leaks to the intention of the "Apple " put the sixth generation of smart phones , " iPhone 6 " , two in two trims , differ from each other by measuring the screen.

And these leaks came from informed sources within the company " Foxconn " , a Chinese company normally responsible for the production of mobile operations company "Apple" .

She spoke to those sources for the determination of the "Apple " release her " iPhone 6 " in two sizes , where one of them will provide a screen measuring 4.7 inches , while the other will be supplied 5.7 -inch screen .

The sources pointed out that both models will provide them with technology to verify the identity of the user , may be those technical " fingerprint reader " , such as those supplied "Apple" by her " iPhone 5 S " , or iris scanner , or both .

It is expected to be put " iPhone 6 " during the third quarter of this year , according to sources, who did not reveal further specifications , which plans to "Apple" to provide her out .

It is noteworthy that the report had previously talked about the intention of " Samsung " smart phone to provide the next " Galaxy S 5 " system check identity by scanning the iris of the eye .

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