Researchers are developing the technology to make smart phones are able to understand the images

Researchers from the " Purdue University " Purdue University on the development of electronic chips able to work together with the processor smartphone to help him understand the contents of the photos and videos.

And benefit from one of these chips Artificial Intelligence techniques known as " deep learning " Deep Learning, a technique used by " Google " in the development program previously unable to identify the images " cats " in the video clips from " YouTube " , taking advantage of the 16000 processor .

The researchers reviewed electronic chips able to connect a processor smartphone traditional to help him run the technology to "learn " deep , can discover the faces and to identify the content of the signs in the pictures, and during the conference " Systems Neural Information Processing " NIPS, which took place at the Nevada U.S. , last December .

The Professor " Eugenio Kolorsello " from " Purdue University " on the need for these chips , which help such technical user to restore specific image among the thousands of images stored has easily by typing phrases like " red car " , for the system to restore images that contain red car , or by typing " on a sunny day with my mom ," to be restored images with appropriate content .

The idea is to sell this technology to large companies manufacturers of processors smartphones , such as " Samsung " and " Qualcomm " , to be utilized in making these processors are capable of processing images , as can " Google " to take advantage of this technique in her glasses smart "Google Glass" to make them able to understand the contents of the video and the pictures you take , as " Kolorsello ."

And some companies are working on technology to take advantage of " deep learning " in their products , such as " Facebook " which is working to develop a technique to understand the users of the social network through their publications and activities .

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