Security company reveal Some visitors to " Yahoo . Com" for malicious software

According to a Dutch company competent in the services and security products , exposure of personal computers that visited the site " Yahoo . Com " ( during the third of January 2014 to the current malicious software originating network ads for the company , " Yahoo " (ads.

He noted a recent analysis that the company " Yahoo " has dealt with this problem and that the data traffic that had been attacked by malicious code has decreased significantly , along with the disclosure that ads infected came in the form of " I Frame " (IFrame) hosted a number ranges from very recently updated .

According to the company , " Fox - ITN " (Fox-IT), the ads redirect the user to a site that uses a tool to exploit loopholes known as " Magenetyawd " (Magnitude), as it appears that all the ads come from the title of " Internet Protocol " (IP) and one located in the Netherlands .

The tool exploiting loopholes used Bastglat those on software " Java " used on the victims' computers to play then install a set of malicious software , said " Fox - ITV " them , " Andromeda " (Andromeda), and " Tinba / Zusi " (Tinba / Zusy), and others.

The research shows the company " Fox - ITV " that 83 % of the attacks were in Romania , and the United Kingdom , France, Pakistan , and the company expected to distribute malicious code has become one of the functions of a network of infected ads for " Yahoo " .

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