Apple intends to provide her watch smart technology to predict the possibility of a heart attack

Company intends to "Apple" Smart put her watch , which is currently working on the development , the
advantage to predict the possibility of injuring her employer sudden heart attack .

The company has set the American sound engineer , Tomlinson Holman , in order to develop a special technique to enable a smart time, I predict the possibility of a heart attack injury user through the process of listening to the blood flow .

The report to the newspaper " San Francisco Chronicle " that the technique will be able to identify disorders of the voice of blood flow , and then alert the user the possibility of a heart attack .

It is expected that this technology will help , if provided with an hour "Apple" smart , to reduce the incidence of death due to sudden heart attacks , a number of cases that reach to about 600 thousand cases annually around the world .

The report comes at a time when it confirmed an earlier report that the "Apple" intends to focus on the applications of health and fitness in the system iOS 8, which is expected to provide the system by the time when placed on the market .

The "Apple" had recruited several scientists and specialists in the development of devices to measure vital signs during the last period , which was explained by the company's work on the development of techniques to measure biomarkers in her hour smart .

Among the most prominent experts who catalyzed the "Apple " during the period last year, they engineer electronics " Yuen Block " which were annexed by the company last March , an engineer specializing in the development of sensors for measuring health indicators , in addition to the Dutch expert " Roy Reimaann " , a former company " Phillips " and a specialist in physiology and an expert on sleep research and measure the performance of the body .

The "Apple" did not reveal a specific date yet to uncover her watch smart , but that is likely to displace the company unveiled during the second half of this year .

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