Camera -sized pill get a permit for medical use around the world

Given Imaging acquired the necessary medical statements to launch a camera the size of a medicine intended for medical use in a large number of global markets

And approved the Food and Drug Administration to use the camera PillCam, which also received comments from 80 countries , to be put up in a number of European markets , Asian and African market as well as the Canadian and Australian and American .

She explained that the company Given Imaging PillCam capsule consists of lenses placed on both sides are able to capture images from inside the patient's body , and fitted with LED lamp at each end , and a size of about 12 × 33 mm .

The company confirmed that the camera is dedicated mainly to conduct examinations colonoscopy , where the camera moves in the intestine for eight full hours and send digital images for high-speed device worn by the patient , a device that transmits images to the computer doctor to examine them .

The company said that the camera will solve the problem of tests colonoscopy is Almktlma , the tests conducted by the patient without the doctor accurately describes the areas they wish to disclose.

She added that the camera will play a big role in the early detection of colorectal cancer , in addition to providing an easy screening for patients who can not afford regular checkups colon user where the telescope .

The company plans to launch the camera Given Imaging PillCam, which normally swallowed by the patient with a glass of water , in the markets, where authorized , compared to about U.S. $ 500 .

The camera PillCam, although approved by the medical bodies in 81 countries around the world , but it involves some risks , such as the body of the utter lack of capsule , forcing the doctor to use special drugs to remove them , or skin irritation and allergic reactions to some patients.

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