" Gartner " : 30 % of companies will apply the system " to identify footprint " on mobile devices by 2016

Experts said today that the global consulting firm spread of mobile technology solutions , coupled with the orientation of companies and institutions around the world to enable their employees to use their mobile
devices from laptops and Tablet PCs and smart phones in the work environment may impose on information technology managers serious challenges .

Naturally eager users to what is said about him that he mobile experience simple and streamlined without concern security concerns , and exacerbating the seriousness of the matter is that valuable information , and perhaps too sensitive , protected with passwords complex and measures Login strict computers fixed may be vulnerable to penetration without bothering to mobile devices.

In this context , experts predict the consulting firm Global " Gartner ," that 30 percent of companies and institutions around the world will be applied by 2016 system " to identify footprint " on mobile devices different to enhance immunity , compared with no more than 5 percent at present.

In this context , he says , " You are now ," vice president for research at " Gartner " , that many refuse to categorically reject the application of security measures to authorize access to their mobile devices , even though the same measures applied to desktops , nor dispense with it to strengthen the immunity of those devices.

Alan stressed the need for technical managers are eager to employees , but without compromising the security measures to protect their computers and the information stored on them , as he put it .

The " Gartner " had spotted some of the implications of the proliferation of personal mobile technology , and submitted its recommendations to managers and senior executives responsible for the security of information technology .

She drew the institution that companies and institutions , imposing the most part, security measures include the introduction of a strong password on laptop computers , but users can use computers tablet to access the same applications and sensitive data because the standards applied by the less stringent , not to mention that the steady increase in the number of devices different mobile exacerbate the risk of diversion or leakage of corporate information confidential or sensitive or critical .

Although many companies apply the policy to enter the password to access the computer , the issue , as you see , " Gartner ," has become more complicated after enable employees to use their laptops and tablets and their smartphones in the work environment because of the need to achieve compatibility between users' rights and privacy.

Since the complex passwords may not be an easy one when introduced in many mobile devices , and in case that was the hardware carrying data institutional or facilitate access to the systems of the company or institution , such as e-mail addresses , etc., without password Additional , the password Quartet will not be enough at all.

Does not believe " Gartner " that the application of more stringent measures to authorize access to different computers is progressing , especially that very few operating systems and hardware supports what is known as a " fingerprint recognition ." Even when they are available in those systems and devices , the application may not be aerodynamically enough for companies and institutions concerned .

In this context, he says , " John Gerard ," vice president and senior analyst at the " Gartner ," The process of recovery of the eight digital password may take several hours , and this indiscriminate embolden hackers . Similarly, the alphanumeric password hexagonal, lowercase , may carry millions of possible values ​​. Gerrard added that he believed that hackers will not engage themselves in thinking about the possibilities of those huge , especially the speed of speculative attack for passwords installed on smart phones, tablet PCs remain relatively slow .

In general , experts urge " Gartner " on the application of a strict policy regarding the passwords so that they are hexagonal and alphanumeric together , and the prohibition of the use of the words listed in dictionaries , so apply those strict policy on all mobile devices connected to the network .

In order to reduce the risks involving the loss of mobile devices or stolen, pointed out , " Gartner " that some companies deliberately to the application of special measures include the removal of all digital content stored them automatically after you enter the password for a limited number of times, or do the job itself remotely.

However, this procedure is not sufficient to reduce the inherent risk , it may be impossible to remove the digital content that is installed on solid-state drive . In this context , says Gerrard , the best standard procedure in such a case is the use of encrypted completely independent procedure for authorization upon entry to the device , and thus can not recover the encryption key from the device after clearing the cache .

Also urges " Gartner " to apply corporate action to authorize overtime , at the very least , to be in the form of an additional password when you need to access to information and applications sensitive or critical . Thus , even if successful hacker , or hackers , to penetrate the password key operational , will face a tough challenge in the least, is a word or passwords additional private information and sensitive applications .

In some cases it may be necessary measures to authorize more reliable. When the use of computers fixed may be necessary to separate device to generate a new code . In this context, it says you are now, users of mobile devices increasingly shun such a procedure is difficult to apply in practice.

Similarly, the available software solutions similar to the generation of symbols, such as X.509, when the final points , but they need to install management solutions mobile devices properly , not to mention the additional controls to enhance the reliability needed by some companies .

And advises " Gartner " to consider managers of information technology seriously the issue of the application of the system " to identify footprint " when you need to enhance reliability. It is the options that fall under the concept of " recognition footprint " acoustic signature and fingerprint and facial imprint of the iris . And can be applied to the foregoing in conjunction with a password in order to enhance reliability and immunity systems company.

Also urges " Gartner " to give due importance to mobile devices in the formulation of a comprehensive policy to authorize , so that policy be comprehensive and sustainable , side-stepping this important aspect of the policy makes incomplete . Here, he says , now that the application of policies to authorize completely different for different devices is not sustainable , in other words measures must be authorized mobile devices are the same applied to the computers fixed . The companies check what you want through a combination of X.509 system when the final points , and " recognize the footprint " and complex passwords .

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