BlackBerry accounted for only 0.6% of the smartphone market by late 2013

A study on the high rate of demand for smart phones operating Regular "Android " and iOS in 2013 , specifically during the fourth quarter which saw the acquisition of the two systems to 95.7 % of total
shipments in the market.

The system "Android " in the forefront of the smart phone market , driven by the number of large manufacturers of smart devices are dependent on the operating system being developed by smart devices "Android " in their devices , and comes headed " Samsung " .

The study , revealed by the research firm IDC , the last quarter of last year saw the ship 226.1 million smart phone running "Android " , compared to ship 51 million phone " iPhone " running iOS.

The study added that regular " Windows Phone " and " Blackberry " divested only 3.6 % of the shipments of the market during the last three months of 2013, the rate of 3% for the system " Windows Phone " developed by " Microsoft " and only 0.6% for the system " BlackBerry " .

Was shipped 1.7 million phone " BlackBerry " during the last quarter of last year , a decline of large annual estimated at 77% , while the number of phone shipments reached operating system " Windows Phone " to 8.8 million units.

The rate of annual increase in shipments of mobile operating system " Windows Phone " is the largest among operating systems , compared to the fourth quarter of 2012, as increased shipments of mobile operating system being developed by " Microsoft " at a rate of 46.7 % , as increased shipments of mobile operating system "Android " at a rate of 40.3 % , and phones " iPhone " at a rate of 6.7% .

This , the study pointed to the growth of the smartphone market low cost in 2013 , a phone that comes at a price of less than U.S. $ 200 , which reached a rate of 42.6 % of the total market .

It is worth mentioning that the " Samsung " dominated the smartphone market in 2013 ; took control of the company on the market of mobile operating system "Android " with a share of 39.5 % , followed by " Huawei " in second place , but the IDC predicted occupation " Lenovo " to second place in 2014, after the signing of " Motorola Mobility " .

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