" Mozilla " launches test version of the browser " Firefox " supports touch screens

Foundation launched " Mozilla " day trial version of its Internet browser " Firefox " , compatible with the new user interface " Metro " , which was known by the operating system " Windows 8

She explained the institution that this version of the browser is for the purposes of the test , which is intended for screens touch , it comes as improved properties for " user interface " UI modern which comes with the operating system " Windows 8 " , which has become staffed by many of the personal computers and tablets .

The open-source Web browser with its new tablet -based icons that enables users to click through it to access more Web sites to visit , in addition to the history and bookmarks , etc. .

According to the " Mozilla " , supports the " Firefox " devoted to the system of " Windows 8 " touch and drag gestures , such as a screen to zoom in , and other gestures

The first version supports touch screens from the browser " Firefox " has been unveiled in October / October 2012.

Users can system " Windows 8 " and " Windows 8.1 " download the new version of the browser " Firefox " from the site of the institution.

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