Shipping study expects 315 million computer tablet during 2014

I expected one of the companies specialized market studies that are shipped around 315 million tablet computers this year , to dominate the tablet computers that share is estimated at about 65% of the notebook
market .

The NPD Group study for the low prices of tablet computers , and offers techniques picture display their own will contribute significantly to the users pay about demand for buying these devices , at the expense of traditional laptops .

It is likely to continue to rise in the number of shipments of tablet computers in the coming years , reaching 455 million tablet computers , in 2017 , thus increasing the share of these devices to 75% .

He predicted , " Richard Shim ," an analyst at NPD, intense competition between manufacturers of tablet computers in the coming years , in light of the concentration of major companies such as " HP " and " del " and " Lenovo " on the production of Tablet PCs .

The study suggested the decline in the average price of the computer tablet from 311 dollars in 2014 to 296 dollars in 2017 , while the expected increase in the average prices of traditional laptops of 667 dollars in 2013 to 694 dollars in 2014 .

It is noteworthy that many of the companies working on the launch of new models of tablet computers this year , in different sizes , and a variety of capabilities , to fit so users in different global markets .

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