The founder of the "Apple" propose to the company's access to market devices "Android "

Said Steve Wozniak , founder of the participating company "Apple" , the company's ability to compete in the market for smart devices operating system " Android " , in case you decide to enter into a secondary market
for its smart .

Said Wozniak , in a press statement Thursday , "I do not anything blocking Apple from entering into the market of mobile operating system " Android " , they are able to work in two different markets at the same time ."

Wozniak added that the users preference for the quality of manufacturing and the final form that expresses the richness of products , " Apple" will give preference to the company's products in the market for devices operating system "Android " to the products of other companies .

Nor are the statements of the late co-founder Steve Jobs in the creation of the "Apple " only just a suggestion for current officials of the company , where Wozniak to leave his work in the "Apple" since 1987 , and remained only in the role of adviser and shareholder of the company.

The "Apple" depends on the iOS system to run its smart system which comes in second place behind the system "Android " in terms of the size of the market share of smart phone shipments .

It is noteworthy that a previous study of the company Strategy Analytics had confirmed that the four phones almost every five phones were sold in the last year were running "Android " , where the share system market of smartphones that were shipped in 2013 ratio of 78.9 per cent of total market .

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