Report: " Sony " plans to sell computers sector investment fund for Japanese

Company conducts " Sony " is currently in talks with Japanese investment fund , " the Industrial Bratnrz Japan " Japan Industrial Partners sector with the aim of selling personal computers " Vaio " Vaio, and that according to news agency " Reuters " a source familiar with Wednesday .

The source said the agency , said that the investment fund may take into account the delivery of special operations with computers " Vaio " to a new company in Japan , with reference to the financial details , shareholders in the new entity is still under discussion.

The source added that " Sony " may withdraw from the markets personal computing world , and after that slowed sales of personal computers in favor of tablets and smartphones , it is expected to be during the current year 2014 Shipping 278 million personal computer , which is lower by 7 % compared to last year in 2013 , according to research firm " Gartner " .

It is expected to dominate mobile phones during the current year also , the total shipments of appliances sector , estimated at 1.9 billion units, which is higher by 5 % compared to last year , according to " Gartner " also .

According to the newspaper " Nikkei Business Daily " Nikkei Business Daily Japanese , has sold the personal computing " Vaio " for the equivalent of 493 million U.S. dollars, has maintained " Sony " on a small stake in the new company .

It is noteworthy that earlier reports had indicated that the company " Sony " plans to sell personal computers industry hers for the company , " Lenovo " , which was denied by the company early February this year.

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