Technical solution to your problems in Android mobile devices

Many problems facing users of smart devices and do not know how to have a solution easy time has come with the workshop and Kabrod bees where this time your problems with Android devices Galaxy LG HTC and other companies that make devices Onroyd whether it was smart phones or computers, Tablets , and I think that many have many problems using his smartphone, and back problems devices Land Roed reason abounded be used which is most prevalent among the devices follows operate with other systems and the number of devices Onroyd in the last statistic to one billion Android device effectively in the market by Google , of course , as there is statistical says that a million and a half device is activated daily

These are some of the problems and their solutions :
When you send short text messages sent repeated more than once , this problem is caused by the network coverage when the device tries to be weak by conjugations and Booze send repeated until it reaches the consignee .

Sometimes when you download the latest update to Twitter and when you enter the page anyone who does not show all the tweets , the solution is to go to the panel Alaadeddat and choose the application and after the Claire Cash or Claire Dth or Tencikhma together , can solve most of the problems the way of this . Also participating in the program increases the Beta of these problems because it is in the process of experimentation.

Wesson massaging be hung on the number 2 as the number of messages since the open period with the knowledge that the messages reach and can read and respond to them , such as the previous problem here this problem can be disposed of by applying Clean Master removes concealment.

Allowaavaa devices Galaxy 4S does not work this property with Galaxy called Levy save mode this property in general is in the case of non- use of the device are the property of the separation and Levy on the basis of keeping the battery , and sometimes are the property of weakening Allowaavaa or shutdown and restart , to solve this the problem is to write this code * # 0011 # (This figure is a special family of Galaxy and varies from one device to anotherand) press Call maintenance menu appears and pressing the menu and select the Levy property and stand Put Off .

The problem of storage space without access to install many programs, the problem is Tama image shows go half the size of the system, this thing shown on the game machine. And even watch videos on YouTube with a large number reduces the space because the application stores YouTube Video, part of the device and this application Clear Cache can be used to clean up a very important always to keep the outlet to the storage space.


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