" Samsung " and " Cisco " sign an agreement for the exchange of patent licenses

Announced, " Samsung " on Thursday for a new deal struck with the company , " Cisco " With regard to patent rights , which is the third in three days , with the last signed two agreements for the exchange of licenses , with my company, " Google " and " Ericsson " .

The cover of the agreement signed between the " Samsung " and the company specialized in networking solutions , " Cisco " , all existing patents and those coming during the next ten years , the two companies did not disclose financial details of the deal .

It appears from this step that " Cisco " unwilling to deal with other companies instead of going to the courts , which is alluded to vice president of intellectual property rights to the " Cisco ," " Dan Lang ," where he said that innovation chokes and suffocates after fever lawsuits prevalent these days.

Experts believe that the " Samsung " know very well the value of the deal for her, and the price of entry in lawsuits , especially after they have been fined up to $ 930 million in claims have with the company " Apple" and add to that the number of organs is prohibited from selling in America .

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