" HTC " confirms the launch of its first wearable by the end of 2014

Confirmed "refers Wang ," company director " HTC " HTC that recent plans to sell the first device Negotiable wear produced from the end of the year 2014 , after earlier reports had indicated that the company plans to enter the field like peers .

It seems that the " HTC " work since the time of the development of devices are subject to wear , and that these devices have become almost ready , where indicated , Wang said the company and to meet the challenges they face, has begun since " many years " research in the development of hours of smart, wearable , stressing that the company's focus was on solving the problems of the short life of the battery in addition to the problems of lighting screens " LCD " LCD.

The wearable devices and anticipated by the " HTC " , is technically considered the first of the company's production , with the knowledge that they have worked with the company " Microsoft " smart on the hour for years.

It is noteworthy that this news comes at a time when " HTC " of the weakness in revenue and poor performance , despite its eagerness to regain its position in the market for smart devices , after intense competition by my company "Apple" and " Samsung " .

It should be noted that the " HTC " is not the first , most technology companies about plans to launch devices are subject to wear , such as clocks or bifocals smart , or have already done so , where the company launched " Samsung " hour smart called it " Galaxy Gear " , and intends to the launch of a smart glasses bearing the name " Galaxy Glass ."

For a company " Sony " was launched before her watch "smart watch " , and is planning most companies to launch hours clever or glasses clever , like "Apple" and " Microsoft " and " Nokia " and " Casio " , and " LG " , and " ZTE " ZTE.

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