Apple intends to provide the " iPhone 6 " 10 megapixel camera accurately

Company intends to "Apple" to provide the next smart phone , to be called the " iPhone 6 " , the new camera is characterized by a higher resolution than the current phone company and a greater ability to photography in low-light conditions .

And the development of the "Apple " 10 megapixel camera with support for their next smart phone , a camera that will be characterized by the lens aperture value F/1.8, to allow the passage of a greater proportion of the light , so as to support imaging in places with low light .

The company intends to add a new set of filters to the camera lens on the rear that works currently under development , which filters the company which took over the development of JSR Japanese.

It is expected that these filters will help improve the lighting in images captured through the phone , " Apple" smartphone next year, according to a source familiar with assurances on the process of developing the new camera to Chinese site IT168 .

The "Apple" has launched the latest range smart phones have , the beginning of the " iPhone 4S " , a camera 8 megapixel , and did not have the camera in the phone " iPhone 5 " and " iPhone 5 C " and " iPhone 5 S " only modifications at the level of aperture value and imaging filters .

This , the source did not reveal any information about the launch date of the new smartphone , but an earlier report had indicated an intention to "Apple " to reveal the phone during the month of June , and specifically in the company's global conference for developers.

It is noteworthy that expected for the phone " iPhone 6 " on a larger screen - significantly - compared to the flat-screen phones , " iPhone " Current , where she said "Sun Hangso " , the Chinese market analyst , in an earlier report that the "Apple" will support the phone screen measuring 4.7 inches , operates at a resolution of 640 × 1136 pixels.

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