Valve begin offering service to the musical system SteamOS

Valve Company began offering a beta version of Steam Music service and that users of the operating system for its SteamOS.

The company has sent invitations to specific people , which allows them to take advantage of the new service , before it is put up gradually to all users , as stated on the website of the company .

The Valve has announced this week for service Steam Music, which offers users the ability to broadcast music from devices SteamOS to other devices , and listen to it while running games, and support service is currently MP3 files only , that is to support other types of files later.

The Valve, a company specialized industry Games and developer of gaming service cloud Steam, launched last December OS SteamOS, based on the kernel " Linux " , which can be on his inauguration on PCs broadcast the games to other devices such as a TV or another computer .

The key idea behind the launch of SteamOS provide the possibility of broadcasting the games to other hardware specifications are low, as the system also provides the possibility of working style " desktop " , allowing applications run " Linux " , and the system supports the feature " quit duo " , allowing the installation of the operating system Last such as "windows " to the neighborhood SteamOS.

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