" Samsung " published pictures of the new Thriller hold its upcoming Unpacked 5

Company published " Samsung " Today Choiqih new image for the fifth edition of the annual press conference " Samsung Anbict " Samsung UNPACKED, who plans to get together within their participation
in the Mobile World Congress " BMW C 2014" MWC 2014.

The company has focused in the picture published on her blog private , and its accounts within the social networks , to show a set of icons Almspth , which have been added to the official invitation for an event Unpacked 5.

And stand out in the photo collections of icons, such as icons , " curiosity " Curiosity, and " Speed ​​" Speed, and " Privacy " Privacy, and these appear in blue , and the icons , " abroad " Outdoor, and " pattern " Style, and " fitness " Fitness, are shown in green, while come icon "social " Social yellow , and " entertainment " Fun Balbnevsja , and " life " Life in red .

And confirm the new image and icons that look differently than is the case among devices company " Samsung " Smart , according to observers, the leaks earlier about the company's determination to detect a new version of the user interface " Touch Louise " Touchwiz own , and with her ​​smart anticipated " Galaxy S 5 " is expected disclosed during the same event.

She said, " Samsung " on her blog , "We understand that there is a lot of speculation about what will be unveiled in Barcelona " , where he is scheduled to be the venue on February 24 this month, and said it is consistent with what the winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922 , Niels Bohr , saying: " prophesying is very difficult, especially when it comes to the future ."

It stressed " Samsung " that everyone has noticed a lot of the number 5 , for the event , and for all the icons that carry the same number , indicating that the company confirms its intention to launch a phone " Galaxy S 5 " .

It should be noted that the company had been sent the first official invitation to hold its Samsung UNPACKED 5, last week , where she where as I did today , with reference to the modern phrase " first episode " Episode 1, indicating , according to observers , to the possibility of the announcement of the " Galaxy S 5 "In another event held at a later date .

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