Shipping 1.9 million hour smart in 2013 .. And control for hours "Android "

Reached global shipments of smart watch over the past year in 2013 , to 1.9 million units, with the control
and clear to those working operating system "Android " , where acquired smart working hours running of the company " Google " to about 61 % .

In the view of the report published by research firm " strategic Analytics " Strategy Analytics, the market for smart watch newborn has started witnessing crystallized with a great opportunity for growth , noting the company's CEO , " Neil Maostun " , that the year before last, no shipping only hundreds of thousands of smart watch .

And contributed to the first hour smart posed by the company " Samsung " , in the control of those working operating system "Android " on the market , especially after he saw the " Galaxy Gear " promotional campaign strong in both the United States and the United Kingdom , and South Korea , according to the research firm .

The system "Android " is witnessing strong competition in the smart watch market , and especially by the system " Pebble or feed " Pebble OS operator for hours Company " Pebble " .

They expected the company " strategically Analytics " to be smart watch the upcoming of the "Apple " and " Microsoft " , in addition to those working running " Teisen " Tizen and the operating system of China , "CNN or feed " COS, the strongest competitor for those working operating system "Android " .

For his part, pointed to Maostun that despite the failure of the company "Apple" to disclose now for the upcoming time, I smart , it is likely to be the strongest catalyst for the market as a whole .

It is reported that 1.9 million versus an hour smart shipped in 2013 , was shipped 227 million computer tablet and smartphone 990 million , according to the company , " Strategic Analytics " .

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