Bicycle hover with the help revive this quad rotor so you can all have a

Earlier this year, we wrote about Aerofex, a company in California to develop a car on a trip staff fixed and plans to start selling business model in 2017 is now the second company, based in the United Kingdom, unveiled plans to build a hoverbike widely.

In addition to raising funds from private investors, and take a trip to Malawi Kickstarter to fund his project Hoverbike. The project has not yet been dislocated, so to speak, until the Kickstarter supporters will not get the actual hoverbike but promised as a reward quadrirotor cool with the ability to design wonderful and unusual (overlapping rotors and foldable frame) payload.

It all began in 2011 when it was built NZ (any crazy guy) named Chris Malloy Hoverbike works most of the time. Was essentially a motorcycle, but the wheels rotated horizontally and replace large ducted fans. I got airborne form, which is more than can be said of one way for most things that seem too good to be true:

Changed Malloy since bilateral design chopper QuadCopter to simplify control and other systems that would be needed for the rotor cars ("with the current technology we can not imagine cheap enough chopper bi for a number of work safe and competitive, and said" it).

Quadcopter design uses two pairs of overlapping rotors space to help save weight, which is (and patent pending) is an interesting idea. General framework:

Cool, is not it? But there is still a long way to go, as is the case with any product, there must be a certain amount of CA $ H money to gradually build and test models, and especially if you want to make hoverbikes Available humanity to the low price of $ 55,000 in the contract the next day .

To collect the money, which the company launched Malloy crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter. The campaign allows you to get your hands on the third scale model of the latest incarnation of the hoverbike with campaign finance moves to wide open:

There hoverbike your small will cost you about $ 1,200. Expensive, yes, but remember: you are investing in the future of our dreams.

SOURCE Hoverbike, Kickstarter


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