Learn SaviOne robot, which is revealed by Savioke

Well, we can not stop speculation about what Savioke worked on because the robot in the image above: Savionei delivery is a robot that's what works, and we're talking about a hotel in Silicon Valley . It is designed to ensure delivery of everything you want (and can be placed in the tray loading) in door to door, and pays independently while emitting beeps lovely nest R2-D2.

Savionei is, in essence, a very chic TurtleBot with Ben on it. It is platform independent wheel with sufficient sensors to let him move in (we're guessing already planned) semi-restricted environments. According to an article in the New York Times, and working in Savionei Aloft in Cupertino, California, and can interact with systems, elevators and phone (Android hotel called his "ALO").

Android is about 90 cm tall (3 feet) and weighing less than 45 kg (100 pounds), and moves at the speed of human walking. The design is very neat, and it seems he has a simple and easy to use (touch screen that doubles as a robot face with two eyes and flashing) interface. However, we believe that the challenge for Savionei (such as robots and so on) is whether there are sufficient benefits to a place like a hotel to deliver an autonomous robot to be profitable.

Although the robot itself is cheap (we suppose that Savionei will sell for something in the five figures are very low), the additional costs include programs the robot to move to specific locations and more infrastructure necessary to enable them to operate reliably (with capacity lifts operating and phones, for example). Add to that the support and maintenance costs.

So the question is: Does the delivery robot offers powerful value independent of the type that will encourage hotels on adoption? Savioke says yes:

We expect A.L.O. Delight guests, and I also think that some travelers make a point of visiting Cupertino Aloft the only goal is to get the chance to meet personally ALO. We believe that the staff has more important things to do than to provide a toothbrush or a packet of crisps in a room, and they prefer to spend their time creating a more personalized experience for customers.

The company plans to expand its pilot Savionei to include additional hotels in the beginning of next year, so we'll see how Android will become popular.

In all cases, it is almost certain that Savioke, which was founded by Steve Cousins ​​(who formerly ran the robotics company Willow Garage influential since its inception), and build a robot that can be continuously improved. In other words, the company is developing a platform, applications and delivery (in this particular configuration) is only a first embodiment of the set. As such, future versions will not be limited to hotels. So what can we see in future releases?

What we have always heard Cousins ​​is that he wants to create robots that help people to "hospitals, restaurants, hotels and health care facilities for the elderly, [and] offices" and it takes a lot of inspiration from the idea of ​​helping people with disabilities.

To be honest, we expected that Savioke develop mobile manipulator. Maybe they still are. It is possible that the next version of Android their own (of SaviTwo?) Will the arm so that it can move from being a robot to provide passive and active, which makes it more versatile and useful. Weapons drive, however, and Savioke is a small business, starting with a kind of minimal viable product may be the smartest way to do (as indicated by Cousins ​​himself before).

If you are wondering if guests turn Savionei appropriate, Savioke said they "were not sure, but the tweets and selfies" with Android is fine.

Source Savioke


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